Valenciaport Hackathon — For a Smart, Green and Resilient Port of the Future
These past few weeks of November 2020 will forever be marked by the inventive spirit and qualitative projects of the 100% Online Global Valenciaport Hackathon. Participants had to choose between one of the four corporately sponsored challenges in order to reimagine the sustainable, smart and resilient port of the future.
Challenge 1 Circular Economy In Ports — Sponsored by ValenciaPort
A Port-City collaboration scheme to better waste management with the advanced waste management systems, waste-based energy models or data sharing technologies.
Challenge 2 Optimization of Road Transport Operations — Sponsored by COSCO Shipping
Get synchronized and optimized road transport operations for better management, greater use of available assets, increased visibility of operations and reduction of inefficiencies.
Challenge 3 Transform Ocean Rates Processing — Romeu
Technological solutions to standardize logistics operators rate sheets and quotation management systems to ease and facilitate transported containers negotiation.
Challenge 4 International Trade Facilitation for Port Operations — Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation
Propose innovative solutions to better trade facilitation by reducing delays and unnecessary waiting times at borders.
Throughout this challenging Hackathon, participants had access to informative webinars by port expert and were able to ask their questions on the platform live chat.
Onboarded mentors actively met with teams, answering their questions and guiding them on the various challenges with the 1:1 meeting feature. Intellectual help was completed by technological assets shared with the participants. Datasets were made available in order to get ready to implement projects right after the hackathon.
33 projects were successfully submitted by November 25 at 23:59 pm CET. Our Hackathon mentors debriefed and selected 8 finalists who were invited to pitch at the Live Final Demos Day the following day.
- Book-a-slot team won the Grand Prize: 3000 € provided by Fundación Juan Arizo Serrulla
“We steer trucks off-peak through incentives, predicts reliable ETAs with historical data and promote match-making for double operations.” Check out their project page here!
- ChainGo Freight team won one of the Secondary Prizes: 1000 € provided by ALICE
“The most efficient way to exchange your logistics information and document.” Check out their project page here!
- aiRates Technologies team won the other Secondary Prize: 1000 € provided by Propeller Valencia
“Radical Digitalization of Transportation Processes” Check out their project page here!
A special thank you to all participants who submitted really interesting projects to create a more sustainable and optimized port. And congratulations to #ValenciaportHackathon winners!
Sponsors, organizers and partners assisted our participants during this innovative month; COREALIS Project (EU H2020 programme), Fundación Valenciaport, COSCO Shipping Lines Spain, Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, Romeu, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia, HERE Technologies and Next Port.
Find out more about the Valenciaport Hackathon. And why not host your next digital event with us! Contact us @